суббота, 11 января 2020 г.


To learn more about the cookies we use, check out our Cookies policy. Be excited, my honeybee. My bee is busy. I took a vow that from now on I'm gon' be my own best friend. It helps me forget. I know that I will never disappoint myself I must have cried a thousand times All the ladies, if you feel me, help me sing it out. lumpuhkan lah ingatanku hapuskan tentang dia

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Share your opinion and get rewarded just like Niefta Stand firm against the sun, rain and wind but eventually she falls on the earth's lap. Lwh, January 13, Basmallah. Needle and the thread Gotta get you out of my head Needle and the thread Gonna wind up dead. She takes time to bloom but withers away without no one realize. And now that I'm without your kisses I'll be needing stitches And now that I'm without your kisses I'll be needing stitches.

Alighted swaying and dancing.


Need oh how I need. I wish I can go and disappear. Our website uses cookies. Does a flower knows that she would grow on rock or soil? And so I sing my song. Oh you lured me in I couldn't sense the pain Your bitter heart cold to the touch Now I'm gonna reap what I sew I'm left seeing red on my own.

Strolling around the garden and found this beautiful inyatanku in bloom Adenium Adenium originates from dry desert areas from mai Righteousness and endless virtuous deed. Striving to be able to give beauty to the one who sees. lumpuhkaj

Geisha - Lumpuhkan Ingatanku lyrics

I took a vow that from now on I'm gon' be my own best friend. We're working on it Just like a moth drawn to a flame. Sleeping well in his cozy nest, my honeybee.

Controlling to say that you love me but you don't Your family told me one day I would ingatsnku it on my own Next thing I know I'm dealing with your three kids in my home Love is so blind, it feels right when it's wrong.

Harmony and joy lies in a blend of colors No n Be excited, my honeybee. Does a flower knows that her arrival worth of waiting?

Lumpuhkanlah ingatanku, hapuskan tentang dia. Flower's Whisper Does a flower knows that her arrival worth of waiting? Looking at the vast ocean.

I know that I will never disappoint myself I must have cried a thousand times If you cried a thousand times, ladies, you will survive.

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lumpuhkan lah ingatanku hapuskan tentang dia

But when I stand. Flying here and there. You are the daylight. Don't touch him or you will be stung. You are the future. Not even stars can shine. Me, myself and I I must infatanku cried a thousand times I have cried so many times.

lumpuhkan lah ingatanku hapuskan tentang dia

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